7 New Year’s Resolution Ideas That Help You and Our Community – Livingston Hunger Council
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7 New Year’s Resolution Ideas That Help You and Our Community

The New Year is here, and with the holiday season coming to a close many people are indulging in retrospection and reevaluating some of their life choices. New Year’s resolutions are the perfect opportunity for all those who have failed to start making the changes that they said they would make next week, next month, or perhaps when winter starts.

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Well, now’s your chance to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make, and being the charitable and caring bunch that you are, we’ve decided to give you a bit of help.

What follows is a list of 7 common New Year’s resolutions with a piece of advice and some ideas to get started locally.

Stop procrastinating: The biggest barrier that keeps most people from reaching their goals is the desire to relax and do something fun instead of working hard. Once you get used to procrastinating it’s difficult to snap yourself out of it, so you’ll need to put in a lot of work to change this habit. Pick up the phone right now and call one of our local food banks to volunteer or ask how you can help.

Meet new people: When we get stuck in a rut, we usually end up staying at home most of the time, missing out on a lot of interesting opportunities for networking and having fun. Meeting new people can be beneficial to your mental well-being and help your career, so don’t be afraid to get out there and make some friends. Overcome your shyness, get some knowledge and go and get to know new and interesting people. Give some thought to organizations you feel passionately about and volunteer. It is a great way to meet like-minded people.

Become more active: Some people don’t really have a big weight problem, and they even get some exercise a few times a week, but they just sit around the most of the time at home and at work, which can have a negative effect on their posture and health. In that case, all you need is to find ways of moving around more throughout the day instead of staying hunched over the computer. It’s even more fun if you share your activity with friends and family.  This summer, think about volunteering at one of our community gardens.  You’ll meet a lot of great people and get exercise while helping local families in need.

Read more: Books are an excellent way to gain a lot of knowledge on a huge variety of topics, and are also a great exercise for your brain. It’s not that difficult to go through 20 or more books in a year – you only need to make it a habit, discover your type of books and find a bit of time for reading here and there.  Reading is a great way to get to know more about how hunger impacts our country and our community, then make sure to share what you have learned.

Volunteer and give more to charity: To devote your time and energy to helping those in need is a noble gesture and a reward in itself, but it is also an opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and boost your resume. Visit Volunteer Livingston to see how you can help in our community and get started today!

Learn to cook: Cooking is one of the essential skill that every man and woman should possess. It allows you to save money, eat the food you love just the way you like it connect with others.  Put your new skills to the test and share a meal!

Stick to the good healthy habits you’ve developed: The last, and most important point to mention is that all the positive changes you make will help you learn and grow. Work on sticking with the good habits you have adopted until they become a natural part of who you are. There is a lot to look forward to in 2018!

Adapted from Lifehack